I think that's what we have.
Yeah, it's hefty, somewhere over 2kg but we bought it with a plan to do Scotland in winter and wanted the extra room for cooking, getting changed in, that our 1kg Fly Creek HV UL2 didn't provide and we weren't too concerned about weight. Pack size is a bigger issue and it's hard to get this small enough to work on certain setups.
I've only used it in Belgium from the back of car so can't give real world use other than to say the extra vestibule bit is quite handy.
Thanks, good to hear from someone who owns it. Yes, the extra vestibule is definitely what attracted me to it (besides it being a Vango). One or two reviewers on youtube also let on that they had come by car, which left me wondering if I was being realistic about this as a solo bike tent. As you can probably tell, I am a bit new to the topic and am still finding my way. I have done loads of research.
I did try to camp in Scotland many years ago with a cheapie ancient and tiny tent I picked up. The experience was awful - midges, loud neigbours and a feeling of claustrophobia. Gave it to a charity shop the next day. Anyway, I loved Scotland, so enjoy reading of your rides there.
But I have been yearning for this again, with better equipment. Want to get closer to the natural world and its sounds.
Hi, does anyone have any opinion on the Vango F10 Xenon UL2+? (For very short 2+ day cycle tours)
I can get a used one like new for €160 (Germany), but then realised its the "2+" version, not the "2" kind. The 2+ version has a bigger porch. Standard 2 = 1.9kg, while the 2+ = 2.4kg.
I was actually looking for something for myself, but if its a bargain then I could buy it for when I have a partner again if its too big for one person. Could get a bivy in addition for just myself in the meantime. Not sure if this is the right way to approach this.
Also, it's a tunnel tent - are they ok for ventilation? I see better tents have doors on either side.