• #2
Bit beyond your budget, but a really lovely bike. Can negotiate on price within reason!
• #3
It’s a nice bike but I did miss out a crucial detail that it is going to be locked up in east London most of its life so probably best not to have anything too nice looking heh
• #4
Haha fair enough!
• #5
Selling my partners bike, listed on ebay at the mo https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234651989450?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Dd1JBZ7kS7O&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Dd1JBZ7kS7O&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
42cm seat tube 51cm top tube Carrerra frame with a mix of ultegra and 105 9 speed and mudguard eyelets - would negotiate a forum discount
• #6
I have a Fuji 2.3 51cm frame and its already marked up from living the London life, just had a new lease of life with a proper service, wheels, tyres, cables, chain cassette etc..
£250 for the whole bike working and ready to go.
1 Attachment
• #7
(if the seller pulls out just and FYI)
Has anyone got any very small bikes around? Partner has decided she likes cycling to work so I am very excited for her.
Would build up from a frame and fork or pay for a whole bike and anything in between.
Threaded steerer is fine and probably preferred for cost, flat bar with trigger shifter, decent tire clearance, not super long reach old cruiser road bike style, mudguard mounts would be sick, anywhere from old 5 speed to 9 speed is grand.
£100ish for frame
£250ish for rolling build