You can't restore deleted files after they’ve been removed from the site collection recycle bin—either by manual delete or by emptying the recycle bin. A SharePoint site collection administrator may be able to view and restore those deleted items.
Thank you but the restoring instructions in your link seems to only apply to the 'My Files' part whereas the document I created/deleted was in a shared library.
I had already emailed our IT support (before posting here - I was impatiently waiting for a reply) but he didn't know - though he's pretty good and will probably look into it. Though I think I'm going to just start again.
I've just spent a few hours working on some exam results analysis in Excel that's saved in OneDrive, and then accidentally deleted it while trying to tidy up the other documents that I had incorporated into it.
It's not in the OneDrive Recycle Bin or the second stage Recycle Bin - it seems things get instantly deleted from there.
Is it completely gone, or will the IT guys have some sort of permission to access deleted folders that I don't?
Also why the fuck would you set it up to instantly delete things permanently in a application which is supposed to help backing things up and stop things from being permanently lost?