I still find the inventory in NMS annoying, and the flight is arcade-like, but there's never any shortage of stuff to do and see.
It's a real shame that game doesn't support mods; they tolerate them but don't expose any kind of API that mods could work with to provide in-game quality-of-life improvements. If it did, people would be writing mods to assist with inventory and storage management. And to track which plants/animals/rocks contain which substances. And to remember settlement/camp locations so you could plot routes back to them. And...
Oh yeah, they're very different.
I still find the inventory in NMS annoying, and the flight is arcade-like, but there's never any shortage of stuff to do and see.
Elite is less arcadey and more like a flight sim (although less complex and with a bunch of gameplay concessions). It definitely requires more of an effort to get to grips with it.