Yeah I really enjoyed NMS but just slipped off playing it and have been playing other stuff instead.
I really wish that X4 was available on xbox as X3 Reunion and X3 Terran Conflict are two of my favourite games. Didn't like Rebirth but from what I've seen of X4 I think I'd enjoy it.
It's why I want to give Elite another go as I think that will be as close as I can get to something like the X series for now.
Just so you're aware, they've paused development on consoles of the latest update. I think they've been having trouble getting it to work acceptably on current gen hardware (or maybe they just don't have the manpower to optimize it on XBox & PS as well as PC).
I think you'll be able to keep playing the current version on console, and should be able to copy your save to PC (for free, and keep the console one) some time in September if you have a PC and decide you want the upgrade.
Oh yeah, they're very different.
I still find the inventory in NMS annoying, and the flight is arcade-like, but there's never any shortage of stuff to do and see.
Elite is less arcadey and more like a flight sim (although less complex and with a bunch of gameplay concessions). It definitely requires more of an effort to get to grips with it.