@crow Ah ha! I really thought long and hard about them, but I'm not that wild about how they look and I wanted something I could be sure would handle the UK winter SFAB, so have gone Rene Herse Umtanum Ridge.
Plus 2.2" x 650b is really the sweet spot for me.
Also, God knows when, but Riv ride some time?
@Josh I have no idea what my MS frame weighs. Or, actually, for that matter, the full build. Never actually weighed it. I'll have to before I take it apart.
The Crust frame and fork weigh 2.5kg, if my slightly janky kitchen scales are to be believed.
And while I wait to get it wrapped all I can do is look at it, stroke it lovingly before telling myself off for getting grubby finger prints all over it, and take proper photos.
Lovely colour. Agree on the wrapping, then you can properly thrash it about without worrying about the paint.
Think Ultradynamico tyres would finish it off nicely. Indeed, a crust without them just might not look right.