Anything up to 10 maybe 20s is mostly anaerobic, it's a mix of the two systems from then out until you are doing sub threshold efforts say over 20-30 mins.
Personally I would do 1-3 minute efforts building up to classic 5x5 using variable power but keeping HR in the appropriate zone...but it would be pretty mind numbing!
I can’t remember the details but iirc there was a study that looked at this in runners. Essentially they measured the proportional contribution of aerobic and anaerobic energy systems at different distances. By 400m (duration of c. 45-50seconds) the effort was predominantly (maybe 60-70%) aerobic.
So maybe you could say 30s efforts are at least substantially anaerobic, but I think 60s would be dominated by aerobic systems.
Repeatable or just absolute value?
It's an aerobic effort so I'd go for a variety of intervals L5/L6, composition depends on the above question.