I'm pretty invested in VR but currently only for srs driving and flying stuff. Not that I take either very seriously.
Moving enormous and heavy PC between rooms for the sake of standing stuff is way too much hassle. However, once the new Nvidia cards show up (if I can get hold of one) I'm planning to build a separate living room PC around my current GPU and other older bits. Kinda hoping that might be this year.
PSVR2 also on my radar, but on the fence until we know more about the hardware and game support.
Sold my PS VR the Christmas after it came out due to the healthy profit that could be made. I did really enjoy it, but I didn't appreciate the heat and the unruly long and complex tether cable.
There were games on the oculus that I was really envious of, ultimately id go for a ps5 vr3 or an apple one.
How many people on here are playing VR games? It's still a niche thing and likely to remain so till the price of the hardware comes down a bit. Those of you who are, would you be interested in a separate thread? I can imagine discussions on the topic might bore the pants off many people on this thread.
This year has seen major shifts in my game playing. I pretty much gave up on video games when my flat was burgled some years back and I just couldn't be bothered to rebuild a gaming setup. Then I got a Switch, but while some of the retro ports work really well, Witcher 3 on Switch made me realise just how much I was missing so I finally got it together, this year, to set up a new games-capable PC. Then I realised it was fast enough for VR and one of my favourite games had done a VR-only version and here I am. Be nice to talk to other people on here about the VR experience but, like I said, I can imagine it being an unwanted thread derail for many.