So this is where we are at. Accumulating stuff whilst trying to keep business going through pandemic and doing our house up. Waiting to get wheels built at some point Phil to Andra 40 with conti contacts I’ve had for ages for cheap from px. Everything seems to be in place. First time I’d got all the stuff out of the various hiding places. Should be almost good to go. Probably be back here in a year or two 🫤
So this is where we are at. Accumulating stuff whilst trying to keep business going through pandemic and doing our house up. Waiting to get wheels built at some point Phil to Andra 40 with conti contacts I’ve had for ages for cheap from px. Everything seems to be in place. First time I’d got all the stuff out of the various hiding places. Should be almost good to go. Probably be back here in a year or two 🫤
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