other option is cheap and light mp3 player and wired headphones. battery lasts for way longer than phone and as much music/podcasts as you want on a micro sd card. was part of my weekend touring setup.
mmm it had crossed my mind to pick up an old ipod shuffle or something. sadly because im just the worst, all the music i listen to is either on streaming playlists or vinyl. I can't stick to bandcamp purchases and my itunes library from 2008 for 600km!
I have this also. Battery definitely doesn't last way longer than phone though.
Obvs I could buy a new one but nowadays why have two devices when one will do (other than as backup)
other option is cheap and light mp3 player and wired headphones. battery lasts for way longer than phone and as much music/podcasts as you want on a micro sd card. was part of my weekend touring setup.