interesting moral quandary isn’t it - is it better to (a) use just enough water to keep plants alive, or (b) use not quite enough, so the plants die; less water is used but there is no benefit as the water that is used is wasted in entirety?
I’d be pretty relaxed about using a hosepipe purely to fill a watering can myself. Put it this way - if you’d used it as a water pipe and set up a tap in the same place, you’d not be thinking twice about it.
Surely you will use more water if you have the convenience of filling your watering can directly next to your flower bed instead of having to walk 150 feet for every trip? If you have to walk 150 feet for every trip, you will water more sparsely from the can, that water will go further, and you will likely get bored / frustrated and give up sooner.
Technically speaking you will be highly unlikely to get in trouble for it, seems like hosepipe bans are very loosely worded, full of loopholes, and difficult to enforce, but it seems contrary to the spirit of, you know, a ban on the use of hosepipes.