I had a real quick look in the controller software and I couldn't see anywhere that reports the inner temps of the chips, have you seen it anywhere?
Not possible on the USG-3p security gateway, but the Cloud Key should show it.
You need to login via
and then runmca-ctrl -t dump
. Within that you'll see something like:"system-stats": { "cpu": "0", "mem": "5", "temps": { "Board (CPU)": "51", "Board (PHY)": "51", "CPU": "77", "PHY": "80" }, "uptime": "459056" },
But not all devices have the temp hardware installed... they will just fail silently if overheating.
I did find this patch for the USG-PRO https://github.com/teedog/usg-pro-snmp-temp but that only makes sense for that. The Security Gateway Pro has fans and active cooling, so of course it has a temperature sensor for the fans to be controlled. I haven't (and won't) used those patches on my USG-3P as I don't believe the hardware exists (I checked the chips on the circuit board and have identified them all and none contain a temperature sensor AFAICT.
I touched my cloud key gen 2 the other day (admittedly in the loft) and it was so hot I couldnt keep my hand on it!
I had a real quick look in the controller software and I couldn't see anywhere that reports the inner temps of the chips, have you seen it anywhere?
I also work for Virgin so if you are having an issue with something feel free to DM me and if I can help I will.