We had another attempted theft of the Bosch unit from one of our Urban Arrows yesterday. This time whilst the rider was actually riding the bike! He had 2 teenagers on bikes pull up next to him and try and grab it. He slammed the brakes on and they disappeared. So brazen! He's a big guy as well, I wouldn't fuck about with him.
Yeah the head unit! Apparently battery theft is a big issue. Fully Charged (who we bought our Urban Arrows from) sent out an email a while ago saying that they're getting some security cage things for the batteries in at some point because they keep getting nicked.
We had another attempted theft of the Bosch unit from one of our Urban Arrows yesterday. This time whilst the rider was actually riding the bike! He had 2 teenagers on bikes pull up next to him and try and grab it. He slammed the brakes on and they disappeared. So brazen! He's a big guy as well, I wouldn't fuck about with him.