If you have a big garden and you’re worried about the inconvenience of having to lug a full watering can from the tap to the other end of the garden, that’s part of the point of the hosepipe ban. It makes life more difficult and in doing so forces you to conserve water. Because who can be fucked doing that many watering can trips?
I think the point of a hosepipe ban is to discourage/stop people using a hosepipe to indiscriminately spray their plants , sprinkle their lawns and wash their cars.
If you are filling a watering can from a hose that is attached to a tap , for example 150 feet away in my case* you aren't necessarily using more water than filling the can up from under the tap and lugging it to where you need to spot water.
Making life difficult for growers is probably low down the list.- water pressure has been reduced to a slow flow so with 2 watering cans one can be slowly filling up as I use the other one to spot/base water my vegetables - and repeat ...
- water pressure has been reduced to a slow flow so with 2 watering cans one can be slowly filling up as I use the other one to spot/base water my vegetables - and repeat ...
Surely you will use more water if you have the convenience of filling your watering can directly next to your flower bed instead of having to walk 150 feet for every trip? If you have to walk 150 feet for every trip, you will water more sparsely from the can, that water will go further, and you will likely get bored / frustrated and give up sooner.
Technically speaking you will be highly unlikely to get in trouble for it, seems like hosepipe bans are very loosely worded, full of loopholes, and difficult to enforce, but it seems contrary to the spirit of, you know, a ban on the use of hosepipes.
Hosepipe ban means you can’t use a hosepipe. If you have a big garden and you’re worried about the inconvenience of having to lug a full watering can from the tap to the other end of the garden, that’s part of the point of the hosepipe ban. It makes life more difficult and in doing so forces you to conserve water. Because who can be fucked doing that many watering can trips?
If some of your plants die, well, let’s face it, this climate situation isn’t going to get any better any time soon. Water the ones you love the most and replace the ones that die with something more drought resistant.