All court cases are a roll of the dice. Even if they agree you didn't get what you ordered they may consider the impact of the door being behind - which as you've proven is not an issue and hasn't restricted your use.
You'd expect door Co would want legal representation, so that's got to be what, £2-5k to start? So it's probably worth offering you something.
For me, I'd always avoid litigation as it's all consuming and a huge mental drain.
If you can detach yourself from it, have a crack. Ianal, but tactically your starting point should be both are wrong.
I had a response back from Access Garage Doors MD to my "I didn't get what I ordered".
He says, on the side-hung doors that what I ordered wasn't available anyway, so that doesn't matter.
On the sectional, he admits the quote is unclear, but states that the sales person in making the decision to install the doors contrary to my request was fine because "they look good".
He then goes on to request the full balance.
If anyone that I'd talked to had the integrity to say "we made a mistake and I apologise" I'd probably pay the money and forget about it, but it's the absolute, total refusal to accept any responsibility for me getting doors that I didn't order - and then saying 100% of the blame is mine.
I imagine that if I suggested that we discuss this in the small claims court I'd lose on garage 1 (the side hung) because it does state 50:50 on the quote, what do people think would happen re garage 2 where they admit the quote was unclear and that the sales person made a unilateral decision to "correct" my order, without consulting me?