Worth weighing yourself and getting the amounts right .
Are you saying three quarters of a scoop or three to four scoops? The body can only really process so much protein in one go. 30-40 grams per meal / shake seems to be about optimum. The article above goes into the whys and the science of it.
I couldn't go into a hard workout without eating plenty before hand . It'd ruin me
the 30-4og a meal thing is a myth, overall intake over a day is what matters, whether you do OMAD or loads of small meals, or whatever in between, it doesn't really make a difference as long as you're hitting the numbers for the day.
Worth weighing yourself and getting the amounts right .
Are you saying three quarters of a scoop or three to four scoops? The body can only really process so much protein in one go. 30-40 grams per meal / shake seems to be about optimum. The article above goes into the whys and the science of it.
I couldn't go into a hard workout without eating plenty before hand . It'd ruin me