I've been making a few small batches of beer after trying a bucket kit from Tesco, using hops from the allotment and dried malt extract. The latest batch of lager tastes a bit off, less so than other ones I have done, but a flavour that seems to be common across all of the brews I've made. I think it's what is described as the 'green apple' taste on some other forums - slightly sour and mouth-watery aftertaste - but it's very hard to know without someone more experienced confirming it. If it is the green apple taste, is it likely to reduce after more time bottle conditioning? I opened one last night after bottling two weeks ago and really quite noticeable off tastes. Have been cleaning all equipment and bottles etc thoroughly with VWP so I hope it's not contamination.
I've been making a few small batches of beer after trying a bucket kit from Tesco, using hops from the allotment and dried malt extract. The latest batch of lager tastes a bit off, less so than other ones I have done, but a flavour that seems to be common across all of the brews I've made. I think it's what is described as the 'green apple' taste on some other forums - slightly sour and mouth-watery aftertaste - but it's very hard to know without someone more experienced confirming it. If it is the green apple taste, is it likely to reduce after more time bottle conditioning? I opened one last night after bottling two weeks ago and really quite noticeable off tastes. Have been cleaning all equipment and bottles etc thoroughly with VWP so I hope it's not contamination.