The advice I have been given is rest as much as you can.
I'll share my experience, in case it's useful anyone.
I had Covid at the start of Feb, was only positive for 5-6 days. Didn't feel too bad at the time.
The following week (when I was negative again), I had terrible headaches, to the point that I couldn't work and just laid in bed for three days.
6 months on I am still experiencing headaches, brain fog, massive fatigue.
A fortnight ago I did a slow Parkrun, having felt quite a lot better for a couple of weeks. I was subsequently very headachey for the whole week and still have a constant, low-level headache now.
Any upright activities (walking/running/standing) seem worse/harder than more recumbent/horizontal activities (cycling or swimming - albeit gently)
I finally had a chat with the GP last week and have been referred to the Long Covid Clinic (whatever that means). I've had a chest xray and more blood tests and I guess I'm awaiting an appointment now.
Six weeks ago my wife had covid, tested positive for two weeks but has been left very run down ever since. Low energy, struggling to maintain focus, and gets worn out by simple tasks.
Any suggestions on how to improve this?