If you want big leafed, tropically looking things like in those photos you could try an upper storey of things like tetrapanax, paulownia tormentosa (hard pruned every year not grown into a massive tree), cannas, hedychiums, salvia amistad, tree echiums - all of which will love full sun but most of which will be hard to find in your average garden centre.
I wouldn't plant anything in August, in a middle of a drought and heatwave though - unless you're going to be watering them twice a day. I'd wait at least a month for the temperature to come down a bit and hopefully some rain too.
You may have better luck than me but I've found fatsia japonica doesn't do well in full sun - it won't die but it doesn't look healthy. Mine have grown very well in deepest darkest shade
Thanks for the tips! Will have a look at those plants.
I only moved the japonica as it wasn’t doing so well in the shade - although couldn’t say if it was because of the shade or the fact foxes kept running through it. My grandma has one in full sun and it’s about 10ft tall!
If you want big leafed, tropically looking things like in those photos you could try an upper storey of things like tetrapanax, paulownia tormentosa (hard pruned every year not grown into a massive tree), cannas, hedychiums, salvia amistad, tree echiums - all of which will love full sun but most of which will be hard to find in your average garden centre.
I wouldn't plant anything in August, in a middle of a drought and heatwave though - unless you're going to be watering them twice a day. I'd wait at least a month for the temperature to come down a bit and hopefully some rain too.
You may have better luck than me but I've found fatsia japonica doesn't do well in full sun - it won't die but it doesn't look healthy. Mine have grown very well in deepest darkest shade