Finally started digging the footing for the shed this morning. Need to drop a 3x3m area down by about 6-8” and level it.
Got about 1/3 done, sieved the soil, good stuff is topping up flower bed that was looking a bit sunken and the crap is going at the back corner to be worried about another day.
Hopefully 2 more days max on that and I’ll be ready to start ordering bits.
Finally started digging the footing for the shed this morning. Need to drop a 3x3m area down by about 6-8” and level it.
Got about 1/3 done, sieved the soil, good stuff is topping up flower bed that was looking a bit sunken and the crap is going at the back corner to be worried about another day.
Hopefully 2 more days max on that and I’ll be ready to start ordering bits.