I heroically volunteered for what is likely the easiest part of the build, the body. We're aiming at the bottom iteration of the picture above, with the telecaster bridge and switch.
We had some conversations about what wood to make it out of. I always favour making my guitars as light as possible, and so usually make them hollow. However, that means that you have to chamber out the body, then stick a cap on top of it.
In this case, there would be no binding around the outside of the guitar to cover up any glue lines between the cap and the body blank, and given the finish that's going on it I wasn't sure if we'd be able to guarantee that they wouldn't be invisible.
All this meant that we'd likely use a solid body blank and after a chat with David Dyke about what the lightest suitable candidate would be, this showed up. It's going to be a two-piece alder body. Quite attractive, and already jointed, which I wasn't expecting.
I'll cut the templates from @Sheppz 's lovely plans over the weekend.
I heroically volunteered for what is likely the easiest part of the build, the body. We're aiming at the bottom iteration of the picture above, with the telecaster bridge and switch.
We had some conversations about what wood to make it out of. I always favour making my guitars as light as possible, and so usually make them hollow. However, that means that you have to chamber out the body, then stick a cap on top of it.
In this case, there would be no binding around the outside of the guitar to cover up any glue lines between the cap and the body blank, and given the finish that's going on it I wasn't sure if we'd be able to guarantee that they wouldn't be invisible.
All this meant that we'd likely use a solid body blank and after a chat with David Dyke about what the lightest suitable candidate would be, this showed up. It's going to be a two-piece alder body. Quite attractive, and already jointed, which I wasn't expecting.
I'll cut the templates from @Sheppz 's lovely plans over the weekend.
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