Unfortunately my landlord has ruled these are a fire hazard in the shared hallway so I'm having to sell them. One only carries 1 bike but the other carries 2. They work great for keeping your bikes off the floor put the way.
You can have the one that carries 2 for £30 and the one that does just one for £15. Or you can have them both for £35.
The one left is the one with only one bike hook thing. But it's still useful and I'm sure it can't be too hard to come by a replacement hook from chain reaction somehow.
To collect from n16 or courier by pedalme at your cost :)
Unfortunately my landlord has ruled these are a fire hazard in the shared hallway so I'm having to sell them. One only carries 1 bike but the other carries 2. They work great for keeping your bikes off the floor put the way.
You can have the one that carries 2 for £30 and the one that does just one for £15. Or you can have them both for £35.The one left is the one with only one bike hook thing. But it's still useful and I'm sure it can't be too hard to come by a replacement hook from chain reaction somehow.
To collect from n16 or courier by pedalme at your cost :)
They retail at £75 new so a bargain deal imo. https://www.wiggle.co.uk/lifeline-two-bike-store-away?lang=en&curr=GBP&dest=1&sku=105350748&utm_source=google&utm_term=&utm_campaign=&utm_medium=base&gclid=Cj0KCQjwuaiXBhCCARIsAKZLt3nnbGCdQuxUG9YIGuHb8JOSt6zl9aKs8d1keVEC4aUbljlNXo1dsxoaAreuEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
All now sold
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