I love roses! Rescued two from old neighbour, got rooting powder and will get cuttings from nr34.
That's a nice one you got.
I got one that looks like yours, a pink one that's not super productive yet, a fragrant yellow one & a fragrant pink one with huge blooms.
Not sure what type of ribes they are, have to wait for flowers. They have pink flowers I was told.
Oooh that’s a nice rose. I pruned mine too late this year (or, should I say, I pruned it on time for about a decade ago before spring started getting earlier) and was worried that I’d fucked it up. Moved it out into a sunnier patch of the garden and it has finally bounced back and is looking pretty good for it.
My husband dropped off something, I end up talking about a building with somebody in the street, next thing I know I have a huge bunch of hydrangea flowers, I shared then with the neighbours and now I have 9 cuttings & flowers & free Ribes from the neighbour.
Random but good 😁