I’ve bought a second hand bike off of someone. I do have name, address contact info etc - it’s a clean bike.
It’s got a bike register number on it -I’ve looked it up its showing as all clear. What’s the best way of getting it registered in my name? Would I need to contact him as I’m assuming I couldn’t just re register it under my name.
It is possible to remove the ID number from the frame but I would like to avoid this.
Having sold a bike that was previously registered to me on bike registered - yeah, you need to get them to transfer it to your name / contact details. It’s painless, takes less than five minutes, you should drop them a line to get them to switch it.
Bit of an odd one …
I’ve bought a second hand bike off of someone. I do have name, address contact info etc - it’s a clean bike.
It’s got a bike register number on it -I’ve looked it up its showing as all clear. What’s the best way of getting it registered in my name? Would I need to contact him as I’m assuming I couldn’t just re register it under my name.
It is possible to remove the ID number from the frame but I would like to avoid this.