whereabouts are you?
I'm staying on the mainland close to Stromness, with family, in-laws etc. All of us have different connections up here, the strongest being my partner who completed their first year of teacher training in Stromness. So it's nice to come back and experience it all again, albeit a few years later.
Yesterday we were on Rousay and had a look around the excavations at Swandro. Really cool stuff, especially as they have an 8 week season of work with the first 2 weeks removing the ballast stone that they leave in place to act as a defense against erosion from the sea, and the last 2 weeks putting it all back. So I was looking across to Egilsay in fact (albeit on the other side from Swandro).
About for the rest of this week - no plans for Shapinsay at the moment, but if that changes I'll be keen to pop by and have a jealous look at your site... As an engineer, albeit one without anything useful to add, I'm harbouring dreams of a similar project one day.
Oh jeez, I think they’ve already accounted for all the inverters required for the system.. fingers crossed!
@Cupcakes ah darn, whereabouts are you? Are you about for long?
@user147336 no reason really, other than we thought it might look nice.. I think the joiners were kind of stumped about how to do the seam midway through a window unit but have come up with a fantastic solution.
Gave a bunch of rooms in the house a second coat yesterday before the tiles are down. We got a little rain yesterday too which has cleaned the dust off that solar panel. Reckon it looks even prettier now @Velocio @Cazakstan ?