At a glance it's pretty decent, they've clearly put some thought into it - mudguard mounts, rack mounts, 50mm tyre clearance, specc'd with Gatorskins (a useful urban tyre).
Your Fuji feather may be half the price but this has a carbon fork, 1x11 (without a tiny MTB chainring) and hydros too.
For what it's worth, I've used reviews as a bigger picture and I don't think they're useless - they've been pretty harsh in reviews before. The review for the Goldhawk is in depth and thought out IMO.
Why not give them a call and go for a test ride - they offer it in the contact form section?
At a glance it's pretty decent, they've clearly put some thought into it - mudguard mounts, rack mounts, 50mm tyre clearance, specc'd with Gatorskins (a useful urban tyre).
Your Fuji feather may be half the price but this has a carbon fork, 1x11 (without a tiny MTB chainring) and hydros too.
For what it's worth, I've used reviews as a bigger picture and I don't think they're useless - they've been pretty harsh in reviews before. The review for the Goldhawk is in depth and thought out IMO.
Why not give them a call and go for a test ride - they offer it in the contact form section?