Much appreciated, will have a look into that also. Single-dosing/grind retention is a big thing as my daily use is generally filter for me -> espresso for wife -> another filter for me, maybe followed by an espresso for me in the afternoon.
I'm hoping to get another few years out of this Sette gearbox on the way, but good to get the research done ahead of time so when I drop the idea of spending £600 on a grinder or whatever, the groundwork has been laid.
So, is the Niche Zero still the go-to home grinder these days? The day has finally come for my Sette's gearbox to fail and while there's another on the way (thankfully only €40, though annoyingly US/Canada-based owners seem to get free replacements), it's got me thinking about what to do when this next gearbox goes also (managed to get more than 3 years of regular daily use out of it with no issues thankfully).