I have a monitor mount bolted to the back and centre of the desk, but I also have a USB Audio Interface, CalDigit USB hub, Steam Deck and phone charger.
My current idea isn't to 3D print... because the size is huge... but just to build something out of lego and superglue some bits (the bit that will wrap the monitor mount and provide rigidity to it all), and leave the rest and tightly put together lego accommodating specific bits of equipment.
I don't currently have any lego, so I'm going to be ordering it all.
Is there a designer tool online anywhere that makes it trivial to design a model, and gives accurate dimensions, and that can produce a shopping list of parts?
I need a way to arrange everything on my desk.
I have a monitor mount bolted to the back and centre of the desk, but I also have a USB Audio Interface, CalDigit USB hub, Steam Deck and phone charger.
My current idea isn't to 3D print... because the size is huge... but just to build something out of lego and superglue some bits (the bit that will wrap the monitor mount and provide rigidity to it all), and leave the rest and tightly put together lego accommodating specific bits of equipment.
I don't currently have any lego, so I'm going to be ordering it all.
Is there a designer tool online anywhere that makes it trivial to design a model, and gives accurate dimensions, and that can produce a shopping list of parts?