Interesting, can you share your source?
There are so many 3rd party websites trying to sell something that I feel I've been fed partial information.
https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/document/download/c7b2a863-cb6c-4299-a9c6-801b073a5b0f_en?filename=European%20Travel%20Information%20and%20Authorisation%20System-ETIAS-memo_en.pdf specifically says biometric data is not collected but that is the ETIAS application process rather than the border check.
ETIAS will work with EES for non-eu passport holders (hello UK) and this will require a biometric check / data. In theory quicker than the traditional stamping passports process but who knows, and I suspect for vehicle traffic it will be slower and more cumbersome.
“As well as ETIAS, the European and Schengen countries also operate an Entry/Exit System (EES) to keep track of a non-EU passport holder's movements throughout the zone. The system records a traveller every time he or she crosses a European border and stores the following information:
Passport holder's name
Type of travel document used
Biometric data (facial image and fingerprints)
Date of entry and exit
Place of entry and exit”