Lids should be left clearly open or properly closed, especially on food containers or things that stain/cause injury.
Emotions are like personal weather, and they’ll pass.
If you’re concerned about your breath and can’t brush your teeth, try gently scraping your tongue and rinse out your mouth.
Use up your holiday and TOIL days, and take advantage of any medical or other benefits, before telling your job that you quit. If they fire you and give you a lump compensation, you’ll be missing out on pension contributions etc.
Lids should be left clearly open or properly closed, especially on food containers or things that stain/cause injury.
Emotions are like personal weather, and they’ll pass.
If you’re concerned about your breath and can’t brush your teeth, try gently scraping your tongue and rinse out your mouth.
Use up your holiday and TOIL days, and take advantage of any medical or other benefits, before telling your job that you quit. If they fire you and give you a lump compensation, you’ll be missing out on pension contributions etc.