I've done about 100 miles on this now. I recall my previous AA-Super Monostay was fairly twitchy with the SWB, but this one rides so sweet and spot on.
All the little niggles are ironed out, just need to fit a shorter clamp stem and maybe swapout the saddle as it's not very supportive.
Overall very pleased with how it turned out. It's definerly a suitable replacement from my previous Gazelle TVM, that was big shoes to fill.
I've done about 100 miles on this now. I recall my previous AA-Super Monostay was fairly twitchy with the SWB, but this one rides so sweet and spot on.
All the little niggles are ironed out, just need to fit a shorter clamp stem and maybe swapout the saddle as it's not very supportive.
Overall very pleased with how it turned out. It's definerly a suitable replacement from my previous Gazelle TVM, that was big shoes to fill.