I've never been entirely sure why you'd want to do that unless you're on a motard or something.
I had to take my poor mate through some mountain twisties on the VFR after his bike broke down last weekend and we scraped a lot of undercarriage. Partly from the extra weight but mostly because it's tricky to get off the inside of the bike with a pillion.
Depends on bike really. Sports bikes as you’d expect. on the tiger and the multistrada, I was mostly mortard style.
To be fair though, bright is on a twin, hardly the most civilised of bikes low down on revs and speed. Might just be lumpy with messy fueling.
Do remember on the first SV it was exactly that before I adjusted the TPS.
Not strictly true, counter-leaning can be done at higher speeds like the police do. Pretty sure FortNine did a video on it too.
Also, pivot turn, did lol thinking about being on mod-1 with front wheel in the air at 12o’clock