Unsurprisingly the SDW is very dry, very dusty and quite overgrown at the moment. But when the temperature drops it's probably a great time to do the whole thing. I did it again friday/saturday, bivvying almost exactly halfway.
Did it on hardtail MTB this time. My average speed was almost identical to when I did it on a gravel bike last year. Descents a lot more fun but climbs felt a lot slower. Though partly because I don't think I get on with modern wide bars for climbing and kept oversteering into the side of the path.
Will have to do East>West if I do it again for variety.
Unsurprisingly the SDW is very dry, very dusty and quite overgrown at the moment. But when the temperature drops it's probably a great time to do the whole thing. I did it again friday/saturday, bivvying almost exactly halfway.
Did it on hardtail MTB this time. My average speed was almost identical to when I did it on a gravel bike last year. Descents a lot more fun but climbs felt a lot slower. Though partly because I don't think I get on with modern wide bars for climbing and kept oversteering into the side of the path.
Will have to do East>West if I do it again for variety.
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