At least you have a good excuse to wrap one of those dental pain freezer packs around your head?
Can't remember what the dentist said about cold liquids when I had mine out, but they seemed more against me drinking hot stuff or using a straw tbh. I was drinking iced coffee for a few days, or simply letting a cup of coffee go cold, but you almost certainly will spill whatever you try to drink all down yourself because your jaw gets so stiff. Buy in plenty of high protein yoghurt now for something cold that doesn't require chewing?
I don't remember what she said about cold stuff but she said no food or drink for the first few hours and then only soft stuff. She said tomorrow I was to do warm water w/ salt mouth rinses and she said "wtf" when I said I plan to ride a 200k in Wales on Sat. :)
I've got the missus on the iced coffee, milkshake, icecream ordering so hope that shit turns up. Have some yog around already. Feeling/Pain is starting to come now so that's going to make me very cheerful.
Thank god I scheduled my wisdom removal for this morning so I can't eat or drink properly during this warm spell. How to make discomfort even more discomfortable, expert level.