I recall from your previous comments that this may be your first off road day? Correct me if I am wrong though.
Just something to consider when you are riding is that having a range of movement will help you massively with regards to feeling more confident on the bike off road I think. I'm not saying ditch all the safety gear by any means, I'm just saying don't bulk loads of stuff up. I race in a set of MX trousers and a jersey. I then have my roost vest, helmet, boots and gloves that's all. I feel comfortable, I can move around easily. I am more likely to crash if I have stuff on restricting me. If you aren't going to go balls to the wall straight away it would be worth considering. I wear trials boots instead of MX boots, as there is more feel and its easier for me to brake and change gear as the feeling is there. Enduro boots now are a good combo of MX and trials boots. Thin MX gloves are much nicer with regards to the offroad/road version. You don't need leather and loads of padding if you are just riding off road.
Just my opinion but might help. You can always take stuff like two pairs of gloves and stuff with you anyway.
I wear the Acerbis X-Air comp suit with a jersey, and then an old perforated AlpineStars textile jacket on top. Feel a bit naked on the road in just a jersey, mind.