9 litres per minutes on a running tap.
The other thing with bucket that I have used in the past, they do get dirtier the more you wash vs. dishwasher, in a small flat where we can’t have two bucket for dirty and clean water.
I honestly don’t get the hate for dishwasher, moreso when it use very hot water that would send us to hospital.
Our kitchen literally doesn't have space for a dishwasher, I brought Miele up on their 'every kitchen has space for a miele dishwasher' campaign, alass no free dishwasher for us.
Many mates/family come round for dinner, always with the 'we'll do the dish's, usually results in about every third plate gaining a new chip, few broken glasses and none of the cutlery being cleaned. All of these folk have dishwashers and seem to have forgotten how to clean anything.
Old machines from the 70s' and 80's, yeah fair enough, they use a tonne of water and a tonne of electric, anything this side of about 2000 is pretty efficient on both*
*Live in Scotland, and would prefer it if appliances used more water (especially washing machine) as they often are designed to use the least possible, means you end up with cloths that aren't that well rinsed. The cycles take longer too, more soaking/steeping in small amount of warm water, than flushed with lots of hotter water, so by the time you've got a machine to do a proper pre wash and then an 'extra' rinse its upto 4 hours.
This chart was clearly put together by Big Dishwasher. Can't imagine how you would use 9 litres to wash up a meal for 2.