• #53702
Is it really DIY if you aren't huffing some asbestos?
• #53703
Just posting to show it can be taken fairly easily, rather than the assumption it would be dumped.
Not sure I have konastabs attitude though, i wouldn't be fucking about with it myself.
• #53704
Looks like Croydon will collect it* if I am happy to handle the sheets**.
*with the usual caveats
**freely inhaled worse probably.
• #53705
Yeah, the surveyors were expert enough to know what was what apparently, except not.
• #53706
some is lagging on this pipework
Have you had the material tested and have you been told the result? The most common place to find crocidolite (blue asbestos; really nasty stuff) is in insulation or lagging if it is this then I would highly recommend getting professionals in to deal with it.
who knew
Asbestos can crop up anywhere in pre 1999 buildings (pre 1985 for blue/brown asbestos), it wasnt just used for its fire retardant properties, but also for its tensile strength as well as chemical and water resisitance.
• #53707
Don't you just love a wonder material that's 99% benign but FUCKING LETHAL under certain but likely circumstances.
Eyes CT1 suspiciously
• #53708
Shit situation to find yourself in, sorry.
Fingers crossed its just a dickhead who fancies themselves as a property developer, has bought a parcel of green belt that they'll never get planning on and is currently busy spunking their kids inheritance on surveryors and 'planning consultants'.
• #53709
The biggest problem with asbestos is that there is no concrete medical data to say what is a safe exposure to it (there are background levels of it all around us in the air right now).
On 11 sept 2001 something happened that released a FUCKING MASSIVE cloud of dust that contained quite a lot of asbestos into the air in downtown Manhattan. Over the next 20 years or so a study of the health outcomes of people who were in the area will provide some valuable data in this regard. One of the very few positives to come from that particular shit-show.
Eyes CT1 suspiciously
Don't eat it.
• #53710
Dump it on Beddlestead as you're in the endz
• #53711
Results tomorrow, might do a combo of getting rid of the sheet material/cistern via the council and paying someone to remove the lagging. The tiles could stay but from experience I won’t get the carpet gripper out without breaking them.
• #53712
Its the fibres that you breath in a sheet of solid asbestos isnt dangerous unless you start making the fibres move around hence why i said wet it.
White is the least dangerous but i have come across brown and blue before they are on the danger danger list.
I dont see people having the same haste when firing gear up there beaks or talking eccles.
• #53713
Eyes CT1 suspiciously
Don't eat it.
What if you did eat some.
Asking for a friend...
• #53714
Like water?
• #53715
As far as I'm aware the only known antidote is to rub a brussel sprout sized quantity anticlockwise into the hair of your left nipple under the light of a blood moon.
• #53716
I’m not a fan tbh
• #53717
Hopefully if the owner sells we can borrow money against the house and get it. Have put out feelers to find out what's going on. (Many retired people on our road)
On the plus side our new kitchen got a bit closer to done! Just worktops and floors to go!
• #53718
Hopefully if the owner sells we can borrow money against the house and get it.
If it’s cheap enough to buy then it probably means they found out they wouldn’t be able to build on it.
If they can build, it’ll be too expensive to buy just to stop someone doing it.
• #53719
Maybe. My neighbours have the same concerns and would happily buy it as a group so we will see.
• #53720
Blue is bad news for sure, found a stash of it inside the front door of our flat, bought new filters for my mask after that, they'd done about a year of various work anyways.
• #53721
Has anyone’s home insurance renewal price shot up this year?
• #53723
Complete opposite for me.
Contents only (we're in a share of freehold so the buildings insurance is done separately). Unlimited cover (via Lloyds Bank Home Insurance Premier) has gone down from £326.97 to £217.62
Might be because any old claims have finally fallen off the list (10 years?)
• #53724
yep, opp for me too, got cheaper by about £60
• #53725
Ours has gone up £5 a month, so little I didn’t even bother trying to compare.
lol wut