Gah, offer from deferred place from Marathon Swims (10k) in 2020 has just come through. Can I get 10k swim fit by November 12th? (Starting from almost nothing as above.) Hmm.
Would really like to do it, the one year I did do it (2019?) I was recovering from a chest infection and bailed after 1km as I felt awful. 2020 was cancelled because of Covid and they didn't even try to put it on in 2021.
Gah, offer from deferred place from Marathon Swims (10k) in 2020 has just come through. Can I get 10k swim fit by November 12th? (Starting from almost nothing as above.) Hmm.
Would really like to do it, the one year I did do it (2019?) I was recovering from a chest infection and bailed after 1km as I felt awful. 2020 was cancelled because of Covid and they didn't even try to put it on in 2021.