less congestion
An Ami is just over half the length of the forum favourite bog standard SUV Nissan Qashqai, but less impressively it's still 3/4 of the width, in order to fit 2 seats abreast. Congestion reduction is of course more complex than reducing vehicle dimensions and will require en masse take up to be significant. I recognise single person occupancy of individual vehicles is still not the ideal.
safer for cyclists & stray peds
It's classed as a quadricycle which I understand means it's not subject to normal car Euro NCAP tests. This is stated on the Citroen website. I can't find independent test results but pedestrian & cyclist impact damage is also complex and of course variables include front end design but very significantly weight. Again size is a factor, smaller vehicle = reduction in accidents. Also lower average speeds.
I have a 7 seater. It's used for ferrying family about (great to put the kids and grandparents in and go somewhere for the day) and going on camping trips. It mostly sits outside the house not moving. The cost per mile including the fixed costs is obscene but I'm happy to pay for the convenience. For going to work I cycle or get public transport. So it's more a case of if I'm not giving a lift to 3 drunk mates I don't drive at all.
I'm not convinced they make much difference. They still take up a lane and 7/8ths of the road capacity (sure they are shorter but you still need to leave how ever many metres behind them when moving in case they break suddenly).
Are they? Is being hit by 500kg at 25mph very different to 2000kg at 25mph? I expect things like front end design and if you get knocked down or scoped up make a difference but I'd have thought even at 500kg that's enough momentum to be a problem. I just had a look for something about the Citroen Ami and pedestrian safety but couldn't find anything. Do you have a link?