Sure, I’ll take a couple of pics tomorrow. It sits flat on the wrist, very low. The case profile is really slim for a Seiko diver. The bezel is relatively tall but the crystal is flat, not domed (actually I think it’s slightly domed but only on the underside), so overall it’s a very good height. You know you’re wearing it - it’s not super light but that’s typical for a Prospex diver.
I would have liked the bracelet to taper a bit more (it’s 20 to 18) and it pulls the occasional arm hair but it’s definitely a wearable option. I’ll be getting the OEM rubber strap from the black dial version for sure.
Sure, I’ll take a couple of pics tomorrow. It sits flat on the wrist, very low. The case profile is really slim for a Seiko diver. The bezel is relatively tall but the crystal is flat, not domed (actually I think it’s slightly domed but only on the underside), so overall it’s a very good height. You know you’re wearing it - it’s not super light but that’s typical for a Prospex diver.
I would have liked the bracelet to taper a bit more (it’s 20 to 18) and it pulls the occasional arm hair but it’s definitely a wearable option. I’ll be getting the OEM rubber strap from the black dial version for sure.