Sure, I’ll take a couple of pics tomorrow. It sits flat on the wrist, very low. The case profile is really slim for a Seiko diver. The bezel is relatively tall but the crystal is flat, not domed (actually I think it’s slightly domed but only on the underside), so overall it’s a very good height. You know you’re wearing it - it’s not super light but that’s typical for a Prospex diver.
I would have liked the bracelet to taper a bit more (it’s 20 to 18) and it pulls the occasional arm hair but it’s definitely a wearable option. I’ll be getting the OEM rubber strap from the black dial version for sure.
Looks great, I'm very interested in one of these. If you get the chance would you mind posting a side on sitting on the wrist kinda shot. Interested to see the thickness and how it sits.