Are you saying you don’t have to service forks every 50 hours?
you should, but it's not that deep if you forget, I send em off for a £90 service when they feel really stiff, £90 is not much for a year of many fun rides with smooth boings
Are you sure about panniers?
I don't do "mountain biking" per se as I don't like being bumped around, I ride mellow singletrack and smile whilst wearing ancient worn-out clothes and wild camping wherever I want
Are you saying you don’t have to service forks every 50 hours?
I was wondering how people on the tour divide or the like did it, did they have to stop in at towns, carefully planned, to service their forks while touring.
This is big of true
Are you sure about panniers? I don’t want to “go mountain biking” on tour, that sounds like a trip to a+e, but the ability to have say, something which can switch rigid to squish for your vs the weekend is attractive
the audience winces, the buyer has mentioned modularity, to the unsuspecting viewer modularity is the promise of a item which bends to the whim of its owner, fulfils all of their needs while seemingly being infinitely malleable. In practice however the owner will often just make the object in one form, leaving the parts of its other form strewn about the shed, possibly selling them when the need for money arrises
Having toured with bike packing bags and now panniers panniers do seem like they hold more stuff, I could never get my tail bag to stop wagging and hold more than a couple of rolled up ironic graphic tees with the sleeves cut off.