Starting to have a bit of a clear out, hopefully dig out a few more bits to add.
Based in SW16 but can meet during the day in Victoria. Also often in various parts of London throughout the week so drop me a message. Can post at cost.
Deda Zero 120mm stem (pretty much as new) - £10
Deda Zero Bars 440mm wide (pretty much as new, will clean off the tape residue) - £10
Tektro RL520 Levers (quite used, RHS spring missing, not noticeable when used) - £5
Starting to have a bit of a clear out, hopefully dig out a few more bits to add.
Based in SW16 but can meet during the day in Victoria. Also often in various parts of London throughout the week so drop me a message. Can post at cost.
Deda Zero 120mm stem (pretty much as new) - £10
Deda Zero Bars 440mm wide (pretty much as new, will clean off the tape residue) - £10
Tektro RL520 Levers (quite used, RHS spring missing, not noticeable when used) - £5
FSA Bars 440mm Wide (bit scuffed) - £5
Deda RS01 Seatpost 27.2mm (decals peeling otherwise good) - £5
FWE Shoes Size 39 (used maybe 4 or 5 times) - £30
Shimano M324 Dual Sided Pedals (used but still very smooth) -£SOLD
Raceface Risers Chopped to ~585mm - £5