Return back to being on track this week, getting near my target but hovering a bit above it because I’m relaxing a bit on things. Hope to have a few concentrated weeks before holiday when some things will inevitably slip..
Weight 74.4kg to 71.4kg
Waist 75cm to 75cm
Body fat 19% to 18.6%
It is getting harder now as marathon training is ramping up a bit faster than I expected, I had a bit of a carb explosion on Saturday night ahead of Sundays long run. Will try to go without this week, and run on my own as if I blow up it won’t be the end of the world!
Return back to being on track this week, getting near my target but hovering a bit above it because I’m relaxing a bit on things. Hope to have a few concentrated weeks before holiday when some things will inevitably slip..
Weight 74.4kg to 71.4kg
Waist 75cm to 75cm
Body fat 19% to 18.6%
It is getting harder now as marathon training is ramping up a bit faster than I expected, I had a bit of a carb explosion on Saturday night ahead of Sundays long run. Will try to go without this week, and run on my own as if I blow up it won’t be the end of the world!