The "Hot Boxes" seem not to have allergies marked. The Lasagne isn't marked as "Milk" for example.
The other Scampi is correctly marked as Crustacean (and Gluten).
Back on topic, I'd expect most GC menus to elide the currency symbol and unnecessary decimal places (and also apply a significant multiplier), whilst also adding at least two extra adjectives to each dish description, e.g.
Soup, (served with a roll and butter) £4.25
Calamari with garlic aioli £4.25
Chunky chips £2.40
Homemade soup of the day, served with an artisanal baked ciabatta and Strathbollockshire butter 6.5
Inland calamari with wild Monmouthshire garlic aioli 8.5
Triple fried chunky chips with truffle oil 5
The "Hot Boxes" seem not to have allergies marked. The Lasagne isn't marked as "Milk" for example.
The other Scampi is correctly marked as Crustacean (and Gluten).
Back on topic, I'd expect most GC menus to elide the currency symbol and unnecessary decimal places (and also apply a significant multiplier), whilst also adding at least two extra adjectives to each dish description, e.g.
Homemade soup of the day, served with an artisanal baked ciabatta and Strathbollockshire butter 6.5
Inland calamari with wild Monmouthshire garlic aioli 8.5
Triple fried chunky chips with truffle oil 5