It makes a huge difference - I'm currently at 85kg (having been 95kg at Christmas) which is the lightest I have ever been since I started recording my weight in 2007. Belts are now on the smallest notch, my suits look a bit stupid but I only wear them one day a week so really trying to resist buying a new one ;)
I also dabble with indoor climbing & have done for years, not at any good standard, but I suddenly find that it seems a lot easier now I don't have to drag round an extra 10kg of dead weight.
By the way I credit ALL of this to Nutracheck.
Mine has been Myfitnesspal, tracking food, calorie burn and weight progress is key.
I don't like Myfitnesspal's interface, but as I've been using it for ages, use it for free, and I feel like I need to stick with it as it has so much data on it now.On a similar vein as climbing, I was able to do about 10 chinup sets when I was 81kg. I've got a bit stronger since the beginning of the year, but having lost 10+ kg, I can now do 25.
Reckon I'll get to 30 when I hit 68kg.
Being able to fit into substantially smaller clothes is a great feeling!
I have an adjustable weight vest for pull-ups and dip training, and I put 10kg in it the other day. You don’t notice so much as the weight comes off gradually but the amount of difference 10kg makes is pretty shocking!