It makes a huge difference - I'm currently at 85kg (having been 95kg at Christmas) which is the lightest I have ever been since I started recording my weight in 2007. Belts are now on the smallest notch, my suits look a bit stupid but I only wear them one day a week so really trying to resist buying a new one ;)
I also dabble with indoor climbing & have done for years, not at any good standard, but I suddenly find that it seems a lot easier now I don't have to drag round an extra 10kg of dead weight.
By the way I credit ALL of this to Nutracheck.
After a big up I’m back to where I was this time last week! Eating carbs inc sugar as well as running 70km at endure 24 last weekend meant i went from 70.7 to 75 and now back at 70.7, I’ve never tracked weight post a marathon so it was a bit of a shock and revelation!
A friend also had some Supersapiens patches he got given free so I stuck one on last Saturday, so far the data has been interesting but not life changing as per the sales hype!
The things I’ve learned so far are that a mid morning coffee with no food and some oat milk (like 50ml) causes a huge spike, and it takes about 30 minutes at the moment for my body to warm up steadily and start increasing blood glucose and I seem to be really sensitive to bread but not so much to fruit, although not sure how much of this is tied to recovery.
Like @Acliff target is 68, partially because that’s the target I set in January, but also because it should mean I’m below 15% body fat according to my scales.
As I’m relatively close, I’ve ordered some new clothes as all my trousers are ridiculously loose and I’m going into the office for the first time in 6 months next week and I want to look smart!