I think working from home probably aids them as people are sympathetic and sympathy probably lasts longer when not being personally disrupted
Also CWU said they are going to ballot today and NEU have said they will if they don't get an inflationary pay rise so could be fun times ahead for the Government, Raab came out this morning and said they can't let the RMT "win" as it will let others get ideas above their station
The RMT strike is interesting as an example of something 4 years ago would absolutely have brought massive disruption but now millions of people can just go "oh well, I'll work from home again".
I don't know whether demonstrating a strike can't cause disruption like it used to is good or bad for RMT. It's not annoying enough for public uproar for a settlement and the Tories+media chums trying to paint them as radicals is also failing. I think this will go to extra time and penalties.