A regular unsecured loan at current rates of 3.1-3.3% up to £15000 is extremely good value considering current inflation figures, and not much higher than the prevailing mortgage rates at the moment.
Raising extra against your main home with a mortgage is possible, though your lender will have a minimum loan size, you can spread it over a much longer period than a personal loan though.
For short term, purchasing things on an interest free purchase credit card for 12-24 months is an excellent option, as long as you set your direct debit for a payment that would clear it in your preferred time.
I would frankly take as long as the interest free lasts, rather than clearing the finance early.
We’ve got work starting on our place in September. We’ve been saving for the past 2yrs for the work but wondering what the best options are for us should we need to borrow extra to complete works eg we haven’t budgeted for new carpets upstairs but whilst we’re moved out we might as well.
A regular loan would seem not terrible idea and plan would be to pay off within 12m.
But just checking the hive mind that there isn’t a ‘better’ option (other than spend less! 😂)