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  • Yeah it's not the weight itself that's the issue. I wouldn't think twice about using either to carry a static 30kg load, I'm just wondering if it's likely to be an issue if she started messing about. Maybe having a Bullitt with a bucket, similar to a child carrying set up might be useful. It'd be nice for it to double up as cool uncle-mobile to take my niece out in.
    I rode Bullitts for a living for years and they're definitely not the most interesting ride. From a brief punt around the block on a friend's Omnium, it felt a lot more exciting ride but I've not had the chance to have a proper go on one. Maybe that's the next step!
    Whatever I would theoretically end up with would have to replace my current practical commuter/run around so I'd want to at least vaguely enjoy riding it with or without the dog.

  • I have a 20kg dog, but he's big / tall as he's a sight hound.

    We use a bullit to take him everywhere and it's excellent. Just decided to buy another cargo bike as my wife is always riding the bullit!

    considered the omnium but didn't think it would work very well as he sits up when riding and would be quite difficult to see over the top of him, also think the wriggling would unbalancing

    Went for another bullitt


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